Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I just wanna post up what xindi had typed for us last time, in case you haven't read it.

JC1s: The road is still long. But trust me, it will be over in no time. So please treasure your time with your wonderful members… Dont regret after you guys are in JC2 and are about to leave the orchestra. Like i always say and reiterate, EVERYONE is important. Doesnt mean you are not exco means you are unimportant. You do not need to be an exco member to commit to CO. I think this is an important thing that you must bear in your mind. An orchestra refers to a group of musicians playing different instruments. Without you members, there can be no exco. So please give Weebian your full support in the coming 1 year. The road to SYF is never easy. Besides there is also the annual concert. So JC1s, please be consistent in your work so that you dont lag behind too much when the hectic season comes. I need to warn you people that there will be many intensive practices when the competition draws nearer. So please dont groan when the exco announces it. Every decision made by the exco or teachers is for the interest of EVERYONE! Of course we treasure your opinions…every single one of you. So please do inform Weebian if you have any constructive suggestions.And to my ’10 EXCO, only when everyone is united as one can the true human spirit be seen. So please cooperate wit one and another and compromise. Communication is key, so please voice out your concerns when you see a certain area needs to be improved. But bear in mind, every criticism MUST come with a improvement.

I hope that even if you all don't read through the whole thing, at least look at what i have highlighted.


Next week is a break, take good care of your health and all the best for OP!
See you guys soon.


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